Artists Who Resided at the Braender
Apt # 79 - 1980's Ram Oren 馃幒 Trumpeter
Arutjunjan Trumpet Concerto
Ram Oren Solo Trumpet
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Aharon Charlap
Click to Play 馃憞 ♪ 馃摻 ♪ 馃憞
Associate Principal Trumpet with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra since 1991.
Professor at the Buchman Mehta Music School of the Tel Aviv University and at the Tel Aviv Conservatory.
Presenter and lecturer of the IPO exclusive kids educational program Key Note.
Ram Oren has been associate Principal Trumpet with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra since 1991.
Previously he was Principal Trumpet with the Israeli Opera orchestra and Principal with the Jerusalem Symphony, with which he recorded the Arutjunjan Trumpet Concerto.
He is a teacher at the Buchman Mehta Music School of the Tel Aviv University and at the Tel Aviv Conservatory and serves as a presenter and lecturer of the IPO exclusive kids educational program Key Note.
NERUDA TRUMPET CONCERTO IN E FLAT 1ST MOV Teacher: Oren Ram Composer: NERUDA Masterclass description
Beautiful movement from the Czech composer. The movement is not too long and it's not too difficult, so our teacher uses it to focus on Meter all along the masterclass, with special topics about Syncopation in Tutorial A and Trills in Tutorial B. Professor: Ram Oren Student: Arik Amitay
An important trumpet lesson, which brings you back to the principles of playing, like the habits in pressing the keys, determine the metronomic tempo for every note and many more precious pieces of advice. Professor: Ram Oren. Student: Baruch Harlap
Ram Oren has been Associate Principal Trumpet with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra since 1991. Previously he was Principal trumpet with the Israeli Opera orchestra and Principal with the Jerusalem Symphony, with which he recorded the Arutjunjan Trumpet Concerto.
Ram was soloist with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Jerusalem Symphony and the Jerusalem Camerata Chamber Orchestra among others, appearing in Israel as well as in Switzerland, France, Germany, Russia (Moscow), USA, Canada and Armenia.
In 1988 he joined the “Moscow Virtuosi” Chamber Orchestra and conductor Vladimir Spivakov on their first concert tour to Israel, playing Shostakovich Piano and Trumpet Concerto with pianist Evgeny Kissin. Later he appeared as soloist with the “Moscow Soloists” conducted by Yuri Bashmet, on their first visit to Israel.
Ram Oren is a graduate of Indiana University School of Music. He later studied with Philip Smith of the New York Philharmonic, Arnold Jacobs of the Chicago Symphony and Vincent Chicowitz.
He teaches at the Buchman-Mehta School of Music at the Tel Aviv University and at the Tel Aviv Conservatory and serves as presenter and lecturer of the IPO exclusive children’s educational program “KeyNote”.
In 2002 he was invited as guest professor to Manitoba University School of Music in Winnipeg, Canada, where he taught trumpet, chamber and orchestral music and master classes across Canada.
Ram is a member of the IPO brass ensembles – quartet, quintet and brass octet and performs recitals and chamber music concerts for trumpet with strings as well as master classes in Israel and abroad.
Trumpet player of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 讛拽讚讬砖 讛讞住讬讚讬 诪讘爪注 专诪讬 讗讜专谉 谞讙谉 讛讞爪讜爪专讛 讛专讗砖讬 砖诇 讛转讝诪讜专转 讛驻讬诇讛专诪讜谞讬转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转
馃幒Note:Rami is not very happy with his performance - he had only one day notice to prepare to play this piece.
From the concert of the Chazanut Soul Lecha of Yuval The Israeli Ensemble for Cantorial and Jewish Music. Was held at the renewed Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv 10.6.14 With the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Choir Choir Yuval. Music director and conductor Dr. Mordechai Sobol Artistic production and processing Ofir Sobol Amplification Moshe Bachar - Documentation of Jacob Felberbaum 诪转讜讱 拽讜谞爪专讟 讞讝谞讜转 讛谞砖诪讛 诇讱 砖诇 讬讜讘诇 讛讗谞住诪讘诇 讛讬砖专讗诇讬 诇讞讝谞讜转 讜诪讜住讬拽讛 讬讛讜讚讬. 讛转拽讬讬诐 讘讛讬讻诇 讛转专讘讜转 讛诪讞讜讚砖 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘 10.6.14 注诐 讛转讝诪讜专转 讛驻讬诇讛专诪讜谞讬转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转, 讜诪拽讛诇转 讛讞讝谞讬诐 "讬讜讘诇". 诪谞讛诇 诪讜住讬拽诇讬 讜诪谞爪讞 讚"专 诪专讚讻讬 住讜讘讜诇 讛驻拽讛 讗诪谞讜转讬转 讜注讬讘讜讚 讗讜驻讬专 住讜讘讜诇 讛讙讘专讛 诪砖讛 讘讻专 转讬注讜讚 讬注拽讘 驻诇讘专讘讗讜诐
American jazz violinist Regina Carter plays the 'Il Cannone' violin owned by Italian composer Niccolo Paganiniat a press conference, 03 November, 2003, in New York. Carter will play the 260 year-old violin, made by Italian Giuseppe Guarneri in 1743, at a concert, 03 November, at Lincoln Center in New York.
Carter became the first jazz musician - and the first African American - to play the instrument when, as a gesture of solidarity after the 11September, 2001 terrorist attacks, she was invited to perform in Genoa, Italy
The title of this project is aptly-named.
Regina Carter, a Detroit-born, classically-trained jazz violinist, traveled to Genoa, Italy in December, 2001, and performed on Paganini’s legendary Guarneri violin nicknamed “the Canon.” After winning the hearts of the skeptical Italians, with armed gunmen surveying her every move, Carter played flawlessly, and became the first jazz musician and African-American to the play the instrument. The next year, Carter returned to Genoa, recorded on Paginini’s violin and performed a pleasing program of crossover-friendly light classics, South American compositions, a movie tune, and original works. Produced and arranged by Jorge Calandrelli and Ettore Strata, and backed by a combo led by pianist Werner “Vana” Gierig, the selections successfully show off Carter’s impeccable and soulful playing, and the violin’s rich and reverent tones. An 18-piece orchestra supports Carter on Ravel’s “Pavane pour une infante defunte,” Piazzolla’s “Oblivion,” and Ennio Morrricone’s Cinema Paradiso theme. Borislav Strulev’s cello co-stars on Luiz Bonfa’s “Black Orpheus (Manha de Carnaval)” and Faure’s “Apres un reve.” For Debussy’s “Reverie,” Carter delivers some straight-ahead swing.
In sum: She came, she saw, she conquered and, she swung.
–Eugene Holley, Jr.
Regina Carter "When I Hear Your Name"
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen
Producer, Performer, Recording Arranger: John Clayton Vocals: Dee Dee Bridgewater Piano: Xavier Davis Upright Bass: Matthew Parrish Drums: Alvester Garnett Clarinet: Paquito D'Rivera Accordion: Gil Goldstein
Regina Carter - Oh, Lady Be Good 8/15/1998 - Newport Jazz Festival Regina Carter Quintet: The Jazz Violin
Regina Carter
"Simply Ella"
winning jazz violinist Regina Carter talks about her New album "Ella:
Accentuate the Positive. "
She performs this album live February 24,
2018 at North Central College in Naperville, IL.